Cervical And Lumbar Traction

Cervical And Lumbar Traction

Cervical And Lumbar Traction

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Cervical And Lumbar Traction
Your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist, who will tailor a neck-care regimen to your specific needs. Your physical therapist will assess your situation to identify the best course of action for reducing discomfort and improving neck mobility. You will also be taught how to take care of your neck so that you may avoid pain and subsequent injury.

It decreases pressure on the spine and pain from sprains, sprains, and spasms in the joints. Herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, and a variety of other back disorders can all be treated with it. Traction is achieved through the use of mechanical equipment or trained physical therapists. Schedule an appointment with Cure Rehab Sports to see if traction can help you with your back discomfort.