Balance and Falls

People with balance issues find it challenging to maintain steady and upright positions whether standing, walking, or even sitting.

Falls, as well as the fear of falling, can make it difficult to live a full and independent life. Although one out of every four older persons falls each year, falling is not a typical part of the ageing process. You have the ability to lower your danger of falling.

Cure Rehab's physical therapist can help you by:

  • Identifying your risk of falling.
  • Creating a tailored fall-prevention strategy for you.
  • Assisting you with making your home as secure as possible.
  • Informing you about the medical risks that come with falls.
  • Giving you workouts and balance training that are appropriate for you.
  • Collaborating with other health care providers to treat any underlying medical issues that may put you at risk of falling.
  • Making recommendations for community programmes that are appropriate for you.