Exercise Therapy

Cure Rehab Rehabilitation seeks to return patients to their prior level of function as rapidly as possible, with the least degree of risk of re-injury. While complete rest and offloading may alleviate symptoms, they are linked to long-term consequences such as diminished tissue tolerance and increased tissue susceptibility.

Understanding how tissues react to physical stress and mechanical loading can help you strike the right balance between stabilising an injured tissue and avoiding detraining.

For many chronic health disorders, the role of physical activity and the focus of exercise therapy in rehabilitation has shifted. For practically all chronic health disorders, exercise therapy is the most often used therapy in multimodal rehabilitation programmes. Despite the scientific consensus that exercise treatment needs to be improved, little is known about how exercise therapy is actually carried out. This study protocol explains the methodological strategy used in the project "Exercise therapy in medical rehabilitation."

Therapeutic exercise is defined as activity that is prescribed to rectify deficiencies, restore muscle and skeletal function, and/or maintain a healthy state of mind. The scientific evidence supporting the favourable effects of exercise is overwhelming, and the benefits much outweigh the risks in most adults. Most people require an exercise plan that incorporates aerobic, resistance, flexibility, and neuromotor exercise training to improve and maintain physical fitness and health.

What is the difference between physical activity and exercise?

Physical activity is the contraction of skeletal muscle that results in bodily movement and energy expenditure.Exercise is a physical activity that is carefully planned and conducted with the goal of increasing or maintaining physical fitness. Physical fitness is a set of characteristics that enable a person to engage in physical activity.